School Bus Service

School Bus Service

We have a school bus service in the local area available for Prep children in Year 3 and above.


The cost per trip, per child is £3.

From January 2025, the cost per trip will be dependent on the zone of pick up/drop off. 

Zone 1 £3.50
Zone 2 £4.50
Zone 3 £5.50


Our planned developments in terms of minibus travel for children at both the beginning and end of the school day continues to be a considerable success. We now have two minibuses taking multiple routes in both the morning and afternoon. Flexibility is the key, with routes allowing children to arrive early for Breakfast Club or on time for registration and being able to select their departure time with Prep and After School Activities finishing at variable times. Two will shortly become three and even four, as families utilise this effective and efficient service for their children.

With the significant increase in older children, we expect to be nearing our Transport Plan objectives at the beginning of the academic year 2024/25, collecting children from all around the local area. This is very much a strategy to support our families and reduce traffic on our roads. Equally essential is the impact that behavioural changes such as this have on our environment, something we are working incredibly hard with to help our children understand what is necessary for the future. Carsharing, walking, cycling and utilising our minibus service are all ways in which we can take words, put them into action and help teach this generation of the impact that they can have through their lifetime.

Current Morning Bus Service

Morning Route 1

7.20 am – Horsell - Heather Farm Car Park

7.25 am - Woodham - Woodham Road Junction of Heath Road

7.30 am - Woodham - All Saints Church

7.35 am - West Byfleet - West Byfleet Boat Club

7.40 am - West Byfleet - West Byfleet Station

7.45 am - Pyrford - Church of the Good Shepherd

7.55 am - The Hockering - Heathfield Road by The Hockering Gates


Morning Route 2

7.15 am - Chobham - Chobham Village Hall

7.25 am - Knaphill - Sainsbury's/Homebase

7.35 am - Hook Heath - Woking Lawn Tennis Club

7.45 am – Mayfields Nursery by Sutton Green Garden Centre - Sutton Green Garden Centre

7.50 am - Mayford - Westfield Cricket Club

7.55 am - Westfield - David Lloyd Club


Morning Route 3 (effective from January 2025)

7.20 am - Burpham - Sainsbury's

7.30 am - Jacobs Well - Jacobs Well Village Hall 

7.40 am - Worplesdon Road - Shell Garage

7.45 am - Worplesdon - Worplesdon Memorial Hall

7.50 am - Mayford - Mayford Village Stores

7.55 am - Westfield - Westfield Cricket Club


Current Evening Bus Service

Buses will leave at the below timings from school for both routes, arrival times at each stop are sent directly to parents after booking:

Monday 5.05 pm, 5.50 pm

Tuesday 5.05 pm, 5.50 pm

Wednesday 5.05 pm, 5.50 pm

Thursday 5.05 pm, 5.50 pm

Friday 4.20 pm, 5.05 pm, 5.45 pm


Buses must be booked for the term through our online Booking Portal.