
Our dedicated Early Years teaching staff nurture and bring out the best in the children in their care at this vital stage in their development.

From little Twigs and Acorns …

Children aged 2 to 4 years

Nursery at Hoe Bridge School

Language, Communication, Maths, Creativity, Science, Discovery and Music are all part of the day through play and engaging activities. Physical development is given equal importance, with outdoor games and gymnastics introduced at a fundamental level and Pre-Prep Sports Day being an eagerly anticipated highlight in the annual calendar.

Both years of Nursery – which we call Twigs and Acorns – share an open-plan classroom with adjoining outdoor play area. Here, the children are closely guided to develop their knowledge, hunger for learning and life skills, true to our philosophy of child-led learning. They are continuously monitored and their skills, interests and needs tracked. Children benefit considerably from the unusually low staff to child ratio in both years.

To introduce your child gently to this important new phase in their life, if joining in Acorns, they will initially attend Nursery for three mornings a week for the first half term, which may then be supplemented with afternoon sessions. Their teacher will already be aware of your child’s likes, skills, challenges and needs from observations noted at informal settling in sessions and Nursery Home Visits.


Low Child-Teacher Ratio

With our low child-teacher ratio in Nursery we ensure the children are getting the best possible care at this vital stage of their learning journey. We have a 1:4 ratio for children aged 2 years old and a maximum ratio of 1:13 for older children. When children move into Reception we have a maximum of 21 children in each of our three Reception classes with a teacher and teaching assistant.

Nursery Minimum Attendance

In the first year of Nursery (Twigs) the number of sessions children can attend is flexible. In the second year of Nursery (Acorns) we ask for a minimum of 3 mornings up to October half term and 5 mornings or 3 full days thereafter. In the Summer Term, we then ask for attendance to all 5 mornings and any 3 afternoons. 

Nursery Timings

All children must be in by 8.55 am for the morning register. We also run a free early class which allows you to drop off from 8.20 am until 8.55 am. Half day children go home before lunch at 12.15 pm and full day children stay until 3.15 pm.  

All of our children enjoy a morning snack and full day children join the family style lunch with healthy food cooked daily on site. Nursery staff head the table, serving lunch and encouraging them to try a range of foods as well as developing their table manners.

Dedicated Facilities set in 22 acres

Nursery Twigs and Acorns each have their own open planned classroom with dedicated toilets and changing facilities as well as direct access to a their own enclosed outdoor learning environment. All Nursery children have access to the wider facilities in Pre-Prep including a music room, Library and Sports hall. All set within our beautiful 22 acre Hoe Bridge estate which allows for breaktimes in our Pre-Prep playground, outdoor learning in The Hideout, our fantastic outdoor classroom under a huge parachute, woodland walk and meadow.

Pre-Prep Fees

School fees include morning snacks for all children, lunch for full day children and are billed across three terms - Autumn, Spring & Summer.

To see all year group fees please click HERE.

Early Years Free Entitlement (EYFE)

All children are eligible for Early Years Funding in the term after their 3rd birthday. Eligibility ends from the start of the term after your child’s fifth birthday. Hoe Bridge School offers both the Universal 15 hours for all children and only the Extended 30 hours for children who are full-time with us. Universal funding is only applied for three hours per day between the daily attendance times of 9.00 am to 12.00 pm and Extended funding of six hours per day is applied between 9.00 am and 3.00 pm.

Details are shown on our termly bills, but as a guide at the current EYFE funding rate (which is £4.87 per hour) please see termly fees payable in 2024/2025.

To see more information on Early Years Free Entitlement please click HERE.

Specialist Teaching

Specialist teaching starts from Nursery with dedicated Pre-Prep PE and Music teachers. Physical Education is taught by our Pre-Prep PE Teacher, Mrs Russell twice a week starting with simple games and gymnastics allowing children to work on control, balance and hand-eye coordination skills. Music is taught weekly in Nursery by our Pre Prep Music Teacher, Mrs Dupont who introduces songs, rhymes and percussion instruments as children practise moving, clapping and playing on the beat. The number of subjects increases as children progress through Pre-Prep. Please see the specialist teaching that is offered by year group below:

 PEMusicSwimmingChoirMusical TheatrePrep Games
Nursery Twigs       
Nursery Acorns      
Year 1  
Year 2


Other Specialist Areas

As well as having specialist teaching, children have dedicated time for other specialist subject areas led by their class teacher allowing them to explore and utilise our extensive facilities. They also have a dedicated Nursery assembly with our Head of Pre-Prep, Ms Willis and join in whole Pre-Prep events such as Pancake Day, Harvest, Easter and Christmas.

Please see other specialist teaching areas that are offered by year group below:

 LibraryOutdoor Learning ComputingAfter School Activities (Optional)French
Nursery Twigs       
Nursery Acorns    
Reception  From the Summer Term  
Year 1
Year 2

Music Instrumental Programme

We offer optional private lessons in piano and violin from Year 1 and group lessons in ukulele and recorder from Year 2. This leads into our wider programme in Year 3 and above where we offer over 20 different instruments.

Dance Programme

We have an optional dance programme in partnership with KV Academy of Dance that covers a range of different genres as children progress through Pre-Prep. Please see the different classes offered below that occur either during or after the school day:

 Ballet (RAD)Street Dance Modern Dance (ISTD)Tap
Nursery Acorns    
Year 1 
Year 2 


Parental Involvement

We value the importance of establishing a solid partnership between home and school. Our learning journey with your child is a partnership, a triangle involving the child, parent and teacher. Establishing good communication is a vital part of this partnership and encouraging families to talk directly to Nursery staff at drop off and pick up. You will also find our Head of Pre-Prep out every morning greeting families as they arrive at the start of the school day. Formal parent meetings every term and a detailed school report at the end of the year also allow for more structured feedback to parents. Embracing digital tools, our Early Years staff post videos and photos of your child's learning journey through an online platform called Tapestry, providing feedback on how your child is progressing on a regular basis.

Nursery Admission Process

Apply Online

You are able to register for a place by creating an account on our admissions portal HERE after which we ask for a £100 registration fee which can be paid by card online and formally starts the admissions process. We have limited places in our Nursery programme and so we recommend registering early.

Accept Your Offer

The offer of a place is sent to parents at the beginning of the Summer term, one year before the child's entry to the school. You will be required to sign our school contract and pay a £1,000 deposit by the date indicated in the offer letter to confirm your child’s place. £250 of this deposit is deducted against the first term’s Reception fees. The remaining £750 deposit will be refunded at the end of your time at Hoe Bridge or by providing a term's notice of withdrawal if leaving sooner. Deposits are not reimbursed if a pupil leaves whilst in or at the end of Nursery.

Visit Us for Settling In Sessions

Children visit us with their parents throughout the year before joining. We have a settling-in session for one hour in the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. In the Summer term we announce who your key worker is so that you can all get to know each other better during the final settling-in session before the summer break and starting at Hoe Bridge.




Class numbers in each of our three Reception classes – Beech, Cedar and Chestnut – are limited to a maximum of 21 to achieve an ideal teacher/child ratio.


Visit Us

Visit Us

The best way to get to know Hoe Bridge is to visit us. Our regular Open Mornings and Private Tours give you a chance to meet our pupils and staff, have a look around and ask us the questions that really matter to you and your family.