Senior Prep Welcome

The move to Senior Prep represents the most significant change your child will have experienced at Hoe Bridge, promising a fruitful and exciting two years.

Discovering Seniority and Independence

Welcome to Senior Prep at Hoe Bridge

The move to Senior Prep represents the most significant change your child will have experienced at Hoe Bridge, promising a fruitful and exciting two years.

Our role in Years 7 and 8 is to prepare your child for Senior school. We hope you will consider our dedicated GCSE Hub for your child’s continued learning in Year 9 as part of the Hoe Bridge family and all the benefits this brings, including removing the burden of 11+ exams*. 

Supporting further increased focus on student-led education and self-discovery, one of the main differences over Prep is a greater emphasis on experiential learning outside the classroom environment, allowing all-important context and the ability to appreciate the wider world at first hand. We also ensure ample provision for the changing wellbeing needs of the children as they grow to this stage of mental and physical maturity.

Because our Year 7 and 8 children are the oldest in Prep, they are also endowed with a strong sense of seniority, something they will continue to experience naturally throughout life. This accompanies additional responsibility and a desire to guide, help and mentor our younger children.

*We offer places in Year 7 onwards at the end of Year 5.


Prep Creative Arts

Prep Creative Arts

Creative arts are essential to a child’s creativity, self-expression, confidence and understanding. By making them absorbing and challenging, we ensure that they fully engage our children, often spawning a lifelong interest.


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Visit Us

The best way to get to know Hoe Bridge is to visit us. Our regular Open Mornings and Private Tours give you a chance to meet our pupils and staff, have a look around and ask us the questions that really matter to you and your family.