Children Aged 5 to 7 years
Core subjects of Literacy, English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Computing and PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education) are made more challenging and clearly defined. Other significant changes include the introduction of joined-up writing, coding, new techniques and styles in Art and Music – including the teaching of instruments in Year 1 & 2. French is also introduced in Year 1.
The PE curriculum – led by specialist sports teachers – is equally comprehensive, aimed at development of movement and physical skills and an interest in individual and team games.
Years 1 and 2 also see the introduction of after-school clubs, of which over 35 are currently on offer, all enthusiastically attended and led by experienced professionals.
Our Year 2 and Year 3 teaching staff share important insights and provide a stepped familiarisation process to help the children transition successfully to Prep.
Sport becomes more formal and continues twice a week with the addition of swimming in the summer term with our specialist Pre-Prep sports teacher. Although our PE specialists have the flexibility to be creative in their teaching, they are strictly guided by the curriculum, which includes expectations of progression of skills at respective ages. This covers Gymnastics, Athletics, Invasion Games, Striking and Fielding, Net and Wall Games and Yoga, as well as the fundamentals of Movement and Skills. Representing another important aspect of the forthcoming transition to Prep, Year 2 have an additional weekly lesson led by Prep sports staff. Ball games including football, tag rugby, netball, cricket and hockey, introduced according to the term.
Becoming a curricular subject in its own right, Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education (PSHCE) focuses on respect, relationships with peers and personal achievement. It is closely aligned with the Hoe Bridge Way and Code of Conduct and forms an important part of developing essential life skills in preparation for being a responsible citizen.
For further readiness for Prep, our Years 2 and 3 teaching staff work closely to ensure a successful transition to Prep, discussing individual children and familiarising themselves with progress including standardised assessment results. Our Year 2 children also enjoy lunch in the Prep cafeteria every day as well as well as taking weekly games and ICT lessons in the Prep buildings.
Of course, the three-way relationship between child, parent and teacher never diminishes in importance. Most parents welcome the opportunity for a brief, informal chat at drop off and pick up times, and communications on progress and achievements are encouraged via Seesaw, our secure online platform for Years 1 and 2. Formal parent evenings take place in the Autumn and Spring term supported by written school reports in the Autumn and Summer term.
To enjoy confidence in the safety and happiness of their child and ease the frequent burden of finding reliable childcare, many of our Pre-Prep parents like to take advantage of our wraparound care offering.