Scholarships 11+ 13+

Hoe Bridge offer honorary scholarships, which carry no discount on fees and a small number of scholarships which carry a percentage fee reduction that is decided by the school.

11+ & 13+ Scholarships

Hoe Bridge 11+ and 13+ Scholarships are available in Academics, Music, Art & DT, Performing Arts, and Sport.

Academic Scholarships

Please note that no applications are necessary for 11+ and 13+ Academic Scholarships; all 11+ and 13+ candidates are considered based on their normal entrance examination results. The Scholarship Day will include an interview and higher order thinking activities.

Once at Hoe Bridge School, academic scholars are invited to participate in the Academic Mentor Programme, which consists of a wide range of both one-off and regular enrichment activities. 

Music Scholarships

Music Scholarships are awarded to exceptional 11+ and 13+ candidates with a passion and commitment to Music. In order to be considered for assessment candidates must have at least reached Grade 5 on their principal instrument and Grade 4 on their second by the time they apply for a scholarship at Hoe Bridge. The awarding of scholarships is based on performance on the scholarship audition day. Candidates will be required to play two consecutive pieces on their principal instrument and one piece on their second instrument and to read at sight.

Music scholars play a leading role in the musical life of Hoe Bridge and participate in the Music Mentor Programme performing in local and national performances and tours.



Art & DT Scholarships

Art and DT Scholarships are awarded to exceptional 11+ and 13+ candidates with a passion, skill and commitment to Art or DT.
Art and DT scholars are required to play an active, enthusiastic part in the creative life of Hoe Bridge and participate in regular enrichment activities and are encouraged to enter local and national competitions to develop their creative talents.


To be considered for an Art scholarship, candidates must submit two pieces of your favourite work - 2 or 3 dimensional. These should be scanned and emailed directly to On the scholarship day itself there will be a 1-hour assessment, working with different types of Media, followed by a short interview. All candidates must possess and bring with them their personal sketch book used outside of school.


To be considered for a DT Scholarship, potential DT scholars need to have been attending a DT club within their existing school or as an extra-curricular club for at least an academic year, and be able to share a portfolio of work that includes a minimum of two design and build projects created per term. 
For the DT scholarship assessment, a design brief will be issued for a project two weeks before the scholarship day. This gives time to plan and be ready to build the design on the day. Materials will be provided on the day. Assessment will be based on the work itself, how it's presented and the confidence shown in the workshop environment.


Performing Arts Scholarships

Performing Arts Scholarships are awarded to exceptional 11+ and 13+ candidates with a passion and commitment to Drama and/or Dance. Applicants should have experience of acting on stage and be able to show a sustained interest in the performing arts and theatre. Candidates may have attended a performing arts school such as Stagecoach and/or taken LAMDA exams, but this is not a requirement. For the scholarship day children will be asked to prepare and perform a short monologue from a published play and perform an unseen audition piece (ten minutes preparation time is allowed immediately prior to the unseen audition piece assessment).

Performing Arts scholars are required to play an active, enthusiastic part in drama and school productions at Hoe Bridge and participate in the Performing Arts Mentor Programme with regular enrichment activities.



Sports/Specialist Sport Scholarships

Sports scholarships are awarded to 11+ and 13+ candidates on the strength of the student's potential in sport/s. For our Sports Scholarships we look for children who have strength in at least two of our main school sports which are football, hockey, netball, cricket and rugby. For our Specialist Sport Scholarships we look for exceptional strength in any one sport outside our main school sports, for example skiing or golf. The scholarship day will include practical tests in chosen sports including drills and games and basic fitness tests including endurance, power, agility and co-ordination.

Sports scholars benefit from the Sports Mentor Programme taking advantage of motivational talks, coaching sessions and individual nutrition and fitness programmes.