Senior School Curriculum

Our challenging Senior curriculum is taught by secondary education specialists with a passion for, and proven track record of adding untold value to their pupils’ abilities to help them become successful independent learners. 

Challenging Your Child to Excel

Curriculum at Hoe Bridge Senior 

Our Year 9 curriculum comprises English, Mathematics, Sciences, Modern Languages, Latin, History, Geography, Religious Studies (RS), Art, ICT, Design & Technology, Music, Drama and PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education). The Year 9 Autumn term sees the introduction of some GCSE work and discussion about all-important options, which will be decided in Year 10, where we also start to discuss future career options. A weekly Critical Thinking lesson is also added from Year 9, as are weekly enrichment afternoons covering a multitude of activities and skills development.

Technology plays a very important role in the Senior school with each Year 9 pupil issued with the latest HP laptop as both an aid to learning and in preparation for potential STEAM careers. A hybrid approach to learning is encouraged, with traditional notetaking and revision encouraged alongside laptop use. Reading for pleasure is wholeheartedly encouraged and has been given a place in the timetable, to support good mental health and wellbeing.

In common with our lower schools, considerable emphasis is placed on pupils’ exercise and sport to ensure continued healthy development and wellbeing alongside their academic education.

Senior Sports

Senior Sports

Sport plays a major part in the lives of our young adults at Hoe Bridge Senior. 


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The best way to get to know Hoe Bridge is to visit us. Our regular Open Mornings and Private Tours give you a chance to meet our pupils and staff, have a look around and ask us the questions that really matter to you and your family.