
Wellbeing is central to everyday life at Hoe Bridge.

Looking After the Inner Child

Wellbeing at Hoe Bridge School

Wellbeing is central to everyday life at Hoe Bridge, with consistent support and active promotion and encouragement of positive thoughts and actions. Your child will be empowered progressively to take ownership of their mental and emotional health, developing a deeper understanding of their own needs, learning how to resolve issues and acquiring the tools to thrive during and beyond their time with us. 

Because a positive school experience is vital to a child’s wellbeing, we strive to provide age-appropriate support and create opportunities for both fun and learning. Every child has equal opportunity to reach their full potential in a nurturing and supportive environment. 


Beginning the Journey of Self-discovery

Nursery & Pre-Prep

In Pre-Prep, children are introduced gently to a range of wellbeing activities, allowing them to discover the most effective techniques for their individual needs. This early exposure – aligned with what they will encounter in Prep and Senior Prep – includes dedicated wellbeing weeks, launching a carefully guided journey of self-discovery.

Exploring & growing

Prep & Senior Prep

Prep and Senior Prep children are exposed to a wider range of wellbeing opportunities appropriate to their advancing maturity. Dedicated wellbeing weeks include activities such as yoga sessions led by class teachers, high-energy sports sessions led by PE staff, and mindful colouring activities, all encouraging children to take charge of their own wellbeing as they grow. 


Achieving Independence


With academic and emotional independence going hand-in-hand, our Senior school pupils gain increased ability to manage their own wellbeing, developing a stronger awareness of the techniques that work best for them but still very much supported and guided in these critical years preparing for adulthood. Our goal is to create confident, happy young adults who are amply prepared to make their mark on the world. 


A happy experience at school is vital to a student’s wellbeing so we work hard to offer the right age-appropriate support, as well as lots of opportunities for fun alongside learning.     

We always focus on students as individuals, encouraging them to achieve their potential and explore their interests in an atmosphere where they feel we are championing them all the way. Pastoral care lies at the heart of all we do here at Hoe Bridge. 

We aim to have a team of Mental Health First Aiders while also having a strong robust and experienced pastoral team. As pupils grow into young adults, we will encourage them to take ownership when resolving issues but always be on hand to help and guide when needed.   

In this caring environment, students will feel safe and secure while also being given the chance to take ownership of their own choices. Our aim is to create happy confident young adults who are ready to make their mark on the world. 


Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

At Hoe Bridg the pastoral care of your child is in highly capable hands from the outset.


Visit Us

Visit Us

The best way to get to know Hoe Bridge is to visit us. Our regular Open Mornings and Private Tours give you a chance to meet our pupils and staff, have a look around and ask us the questions that really matter to you and your family.