Welcome to Hoe Bridge Pre-Prep School

A Place of Happiness


To enjoy confidence in the safety and happiness of their child and ease the frequent burden of finding reliable childcare, many of our Pre-Prep parents like to take advantage of our wraparound care offering.

Pre-Prep Handbook


Welcome to Pre-Prep

It’s a major event in your lives to be starting school, for both you and your children, and we are delighted that you have chosen Hoe Bridge Pre-Prep. We can guarantee years of fun and friendship, learning and exploring, happiness and achievement. This webpage includes some necessary information for you on the basics of our school life - routines of the day, key staff and uniform details to name but a few. Once you have joined the school you will also receive a weekly Bulletin covering items of news and events across both the Prep and Pre-Prep Departments. Our Parentzone provides you with instant information about upcoming events and general school information. Our staff are always on hand to answer any queries you may have so please don’t hesitate to ask. We look forward to welcoming you and your children and to many happy years working together.

Best wishes

Amanda Willis

Head of Pre-Prep

Our Ethos & Aims

Our Ethos & Aims

Happiness  -  Confidence  -  Achievement


To inspire in children a passion for lifelong learning, where an exceptional education, beyond factual learning, fosters unique life skills, creativity, knowledge and wellbeing.


A dynamic school community where everyone is encouraged to achieve their true potential through a broad, challenging and diverse curriculum. We enable and foster a passion for lifelong learning, whilst embracing and valuing individuality within the school community and wider society.


To shape future citizens who have the academic, personal and social skills to make informed choices as well as being empathetic, resilient and responsible members of society fully embracing British values. A dedicated, caring and well qualified staff provide a varied curriculum, within and beyond the classroom, giving opportunities and challenging abilities to develop independent thinking young people. An engaging, broad, progressive education based on Christian principles and enriched with stimulating and varied opportunities to develop creativity, curiosity and innovation.

The Hoe Bridge Way

The Hoe Bridge Way

The Hoe Bridge Way is a set of behaviours that is embedded in school life. We aim to maintain and reinforce it at every opportunity, discussing and promoting it regularly in assembly, in class and on the sports field. 

Work Hard

  • We work hard to be our best selves
  • We keep trying, we never give up
  • We keep questioning, we’re curious, we try new things
  • We’re proud of our achievements and we celebrate the achievements of others


  • We listen to the views of others and respect their thoughts
  • We wait our turn without interrupting

Look After Property

  • We respect everyone’s belongings and our own
  • We look after our world in school and beyond


  • We share friends, ideas, books and toys
  • We are generous to others through our charity giving, locally and beyond
  • We share our time and our world

Say Sorry & Move On

  • We are accepting of other’s mistakes and forgive
  • We are hopeful that if we go wrong we will be forgiven

Kind & Helpful

  • We think of others and their needs before our own
  • We are willing to help without being asked and for no reward
  • We celebrate good manners


  • We are gentle in our words and actions
  • We are modest
  • We respect other people’s space


  • We always tell the truth
  • We own up even when it is hard to do so
  • We trust each other

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

On joining Hoe Bridge School a child, teacher or parent becomes part of our school community. Each member of the school has a role to play within it and responsibilities towards others and their property. All members of the school community are expected to respect the Code of Conduct and it is to be followed at all times whilst anywhere on the school premises: Children are rewarded for doing so. Outside of school children wear their school uniform with pride and, as ambassadors of the school, behave according to our Code of Conduct. We believe that everyone, child or adult, should be able to come to our school and receive or deliver an education in a way that is free from humiliation, oppression or abuse. The school does not use corporal punishment. The Headmaster has the right of the ultimate sanction of temporary or permanent exclusion.

Our school Code of Conduct is discussed in class and assembly. Children, parents and staff can contribute to it at any time; we are always looking for ways to keep our school a happy and purposeful place for everyone.

On arrival and departure we:

  • acknowledge each other with ‘Good morning’ or ‘Good afternoon’. Pre-Prep boys raise their caps and girls shake hands with the teacher on leaving the school
  • walk on the paths and keep off the play equipment
  • walk quietly with an adult until safely in the car
  • keep brothers, sisters and other children close by, making sure they also follow our school rules
  • do not use mobile phones

In school we

  • walk at all times and keep to one side of the stairs
  • hold open doors for others and walk through individually
  • keep corridors and toilets clean and tidy by picking up after ourselves and, if necessary, others
  • wait quietly in the Hall at the beginning and end of assembly
  • file in and out of the Hall quietly
  • keep communal rooms tidy
  • help make and look after displays of work and objects of interest
  • knock before entering a room and close the door behind us
  • welcome visitors who must report to the office and are given a Visitor’s Pass

At lunchtimes we

  • wash our hands before entering the Hall
  • wait quietly to be served
  • help to serve out the food
  • use a knife and fork, helping younger children
  • say grace at lunch time
  • listen for the bell and keep silent after it rings
  • ask permission to clear away
  • help clear the tables after lunch

At playtime we

  • wait outside quietly when an adult is on duty
  • take turns with all classes for the play equipment
  • share the toys with others and use them appropriately
  • look after the toys by putting them away when we are finished
  • keep hands, feet and objects to ourselves
  • tell an adult on duty if someone is unkind or hurtful to us or to someone else
  • tell the Friendship Champion when we have no-one to play with
  • tell the First Aider when we are hurt or have had an accident
  • listen for the bell and stand in silence after it has rung
  • obey the rules of where to play
  • Line up in silence after the bell has gone

In the classrooms we

  • obey the rules of the room
  • tidy up after lessons, putting away books and equipment
  • show respect to others working by moving carefully round the room
  • help give out books, equipment, milk and snacks
  • do not interrupt but wait until a teacher, child or assistant is free

Key Contact Information

Key Contact Information

Head of Pre-Prep | Amanda Willis 01483 772194 |

Pre-Prep School Secretary | Lucy Smethers 01483 772194 |

Headmaster | Chris Webster 01483 760018 |

Headmaster’s PA | Vicky Sturgess 01483 760018/65 |

Bursar | Hannah Davies 01483 760018 |

Chairman of Governors | Ian Katté 01483 760065 

Pre-Prep (EYFS) Governor | Sophie Baber 01483 760065

Staff Booklet

The School Day

7.30 am Breakfast Club (Pre-Booking needed)
8.10 am Free Early Class in the classroom - Prep Siblings Only
8.20 am Free Early Class in the classroom - All Welcome
8.55 am Registration
10.30 am to 11.00 am        Snack & Playtime
12.00 pm Year 2 to Prep for lunch
12.15 pm Morning only Nursery children go home
12.15 pm Nursery, Year 1 and Reception lunch
12.45 pm Playtime
3.15 pm End of day for Nursery Twigs
3.20 pm End of day for Nursery Acorns & Reception
3.30 pm End of day for Years 1 & 2
3.20/30 pm to 6.30 pm Afternoon wraparound care and after school activities (Pre-booking needed)

The Early Years - Nursery Twigs, Nursery Acorns and Reception

The Early Years - Nursery Twigs, Nursery Acorns and Reception

Early Years Curriculum is introduced through play and practical activities covering the below areas of learning:

Prime Areas

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development

 Specific Areas 

  • Mathematics
  • Literacy
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Current children join one of our three Reception classes, Beech, Cedar or Chestnut after their Nursery Acorns where they will meet new joiners from other nurseries. The three classes are a mixture of children from our Hoe Bridge Nursery and other nurseries. The day becomes slightly more formal in Reception and by the end of the year most children are writing independently, recording their number work and reading. Emphasis on learning is still very much based on practical activity and the children will continue to progress at a rate that is comfortable for them; challenging and supportive in equal measure. The teaching staff plan the programme of work together to ensure that the day is busy, fun and exciting.

Music, dance, musical theatre, PE and gymnastics are taught by specialist teachers and all classes have regular access to the library and ICT facilities. Swimming is introduced in the summer term for Reception children.

Our Schemes of Work

These are carefully planned to cover the Foundation Stage in Nursery and Reception and to prepare for Key Stage 1 of the National Curriculum as a minimum requirement. Within this planning there is the facility to fully challenge the able child whilst those requiring more support will be given time with a teacher trained in special needs. Detailed information on the work planned for each year, the materials and teaching techniques used will be explained and demonstrated at the Information Evenings at the beginning of each academic year. A termly programme of work and timetable is available on the school communication tool Parentzone. Continuous progression is ensured by regular monitoring using our online Learning Journeys through Tapestry which is shared with parents, Hoe Bridge Progress Books and the EYFS profile. Parents may discuss their child’s progress and have access to these developmental records at any time, as well as parents’ evenings held each term.


Our children have a long school day during which they have been extremely active in both work and play. It is important that when they get home there is the opportunity to relax and enjoy family activities. Children will then be fresher to tackle a new school day. Homework is therefore kept to a minimum. The rhymes and actions for the Little Wandle scheme are sent home for practice and once a child has made a start with reading then some practice with this will be sent home too. This may be in the form of learning words or re-reading a book that has been completed at school. 


In readiness for writing children benefit from pre-writing activities such as threading, Playdoh, tweezers, colouring and drawing activities. When practising handwriting it is very important that the children are seated correctly at a table and that the pencil is held correctly. The thumb and index finger should grip the pencil and the middle finger support at the back. For those children who find this grip difficult to adopt, a pencil grip will be provided. Handwriting practice may be given for homework.

How You Can Help

Children thrive when they feel confident and secure. The more independent a child is the more readily such confidence grows. For some Nursery children this may be the first time they have been left by their parent for any length of time and of course our staff are sensitive to this and so they ensure that there is a warm welcome every morning. Parents are welcome to stay in the room for a short time until their child is settled. If a child becomes distressed when it is time for the parents to leave, a member of staff will gently but firmly guide the child to an activity. Children usually settle very quickly once they are fully occupied and their parents are no longer in view. A phone call during the morning helps reassure parents that all is well!

Personal Skills

Children are encouraged to be as independent as possible and in control of their own personal needs. We recommend that you establish a good routine from the beginning allowing your children to take off and hang up their own coats and blazers by themselves with as little help from you as possible as during the school day they will be responsible for their own belongings, putting on their coats or fleeces and getting changed for games in Reception. In Nursery Twigs and Acorns children are not expected to be potty trained. In Reception all children should be able to use the toilet independently and are expected to be able to get changed by themselves for games throughout the year and for swimming in the summer. Help is of course given with tricky ties, laces and buttons.

Year 1 & 2

Year 1 & 2

Children move smoothly from Reception into Year 1 and then onto Year 2, their final year in the Pre-Prep. Children look forward to moving ‘up’ and whilst the work becomes more formal there is still plenty of opportunity to work outdoors exploring and problem solving. Work is differentiated according to individual needs and children enjoy working in mixed or specific ability groups depending on the task in hand. 

Our schemes of work are carefully planned to follow on from the Foundation Stage into Years 1 & 2 ensuring continuous progress by regular monitoring and record keeping. Within this planning there is the facility to fully challenge the able child whilst those requiring more support will be given time with a teacher trained in special needs. Detailed information of the work planned for each year, the materials and teaching techniques will be explained and demonstrated at the Information Evenings at the beginning of each academic year.

A brief summary of the year’s programme of work is on the Parent Zone. French, Music, Choir, PE/Games and Swimming (Summer term) are taught by specialist teachers. Musical Theatre is introduced in Year 1 and is also taught in Year 2. Performing Arts is introduced in Year 2. All classes have regular access to the library, art room and ICT facilities. Children’s progress is monitored through our own progress books standardised assessments and tracking programmes. Parents may discuss their child’s progress and have access to these developmental records at any time but they will be specifically referred to at parent/teacher interviews and on Parents’ Evenings. 


Our children have a long school day during which they have been extremely active in both work and play. It is important that when they get home there is the opportunity to relax and enjoy family activities. Children will then be fresher to tackle a new school day. Spelling and mental arithmetic will be tested weekly. Children should be able to tackle this work with only a little help from parents. We value all the support that parents give their children at home. We do however encourage the children to keep a diary or scrap book of their holidays and look forward to seeing them at the beginning of term.

Extra reading books are sent home during the school holidays and optional holiday homework is set on Seesaw.

In Year 1 and 2, a piece of English, Reading, Spelling and Maths homework is set each week. In Year 1, children should aim to spend 30 minutes in total on their Maths and English homework plus 15 minutes of reading. In Year 2, the children should spend 30 minutes on each piece of Maths and English plus 15 minutes reading. We value all the support that parents give their children at home, however if ever this is not possible or you have struggled to complete it due to weekend plans, simply write a note to your class teacher in the homework book. 


Other Curriculum Information

Other Curriculum Information


During our weekly assembly, children are taught different values including those that are from the Christian faith, as well as those relating to current affairs and national celebration days. This is where children develop an awareness of the wider world and the need for co-operation and understanding. Stories and festivals from other faiths are also celebrated and used to explore the theme for the week. 


The whole school sings our birthday song in assembly to any child celebrating a birthday. Birthday children may bring in their favourite (portable) present to show and bite-sized treats for their class if they wish. Please note that the school is nut free. Large birthday cakes are difficult to share out evenly and are best kept for birthday parties. Teachers are happy to distribute party invitations but if only a few children are to be invited we would ask you to organise this privately as it can be upsetting for those who feel left out.


Lunch is a family time at school; a teacher or assistant heads the table and the children sit in social rather than class groups. Our food is cooked at school by our resident chef and is organically sourced when possible. Each day we offer a choice of a hot meal or a baked potato, homemade soup and salad selection; a menu is displayed in the entrance hall and on the school website HERE. The children may choose which main course they prefer. The daily choice of desserts includes cooked puddings, ice-cream, and fruit. We encourage the children to try new foods but they are not forced to eat anything they dislike. We teach all the children to hold a knife and fork correctly; knife in the right hand and fork in the left unless religious reasons dictate otherwise; and we teach them how to cut their food giving help where it is needed especially in Nursery. Please continue this expectation at home. Children clear their own dishes away having first asked the teacher that they may do so. We are therefore able to ensure that the children have a good lunch. If there are any problems with lunch then we will liaise directly with parents. We are able to provide a variety of different diets due to health, religion or personal choice, please inform us of any dietary requirements on the Pupil Medical & Dietary Needs Information Form completed during the admissions process.

Celebration Assemblies

Good work stickers are given for achievements on a daily basis. We have Celebration Assemblies towards the end of the week where we recognise children's individual achievements. All children receive this recognition at least once a term. We also celebrate children from Reception to Year 2 with star and courtesy badges, star badges are presented to children that have shown an understanding of the weekly assembly theme and courtesy badges are awarded to the children who have made a special effort to be kind and helpful. Shields and Cups are presented for particularly good progress in certain subject areas; termly for conduct and effort and annually for achievement. School Captains and Vice Captains are chosen each week from the Year 2 classes and they have special responsibilities to carry out in school.

Absences & Holidays

Absences & Holidays


Please telephone or email our Pre-Prep School Secretary by 9.00am if your child is going to be absent from school. Children must be fully recovered before returning to school. If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea, they must not return to school for 48 hours after the last incidence as advised by the Health Protection Agency. Please notify us of any contagious diseases to enable us to inform other parents.


Holiday times should be arranged in accordance with the school calendar. Please notify us in writing of exceptional circumstances requiring leave of absence as all such absences must be authorised by the Head Teacher in the school’s annual return to the DFE. Absences are only authorised for family weddings or funerals, not for additional holidays.

Drop Off, Collection and Parking

Drop Off, Collection and Parking

Morning Drop Off

Children may be brought to school from 8.10 am if you have a sibling in the Prep department or from 8.20 am for all other children. Classes are open and teachers supervise free choice activities until 8.55 am when all children must then be in and we take the register. Children arriving after 8.55 am must be registered in the Late Book in the Pre-Prep office as the class register will have been taken - this is a necessary procedure for Health and Safety. Please leave your children promptly once they are safely within the building. We are keen to encourage the children’s independence and establish a settled routine. Children in Year 2 are expected to go to their classrooms on their own unless you need to see the teacher for a specific reason. Please park with consideration avoiding the grass verges. All children and their siblings must be close by an adult as there is a considerable volume of traffic at these times.

Afternoon Collection

Nursery children are collected from either the Twigs building or the back door of Acorns, all other children are collected directly from their external classroom doors, apart from Mulberry and Year 2 children who are collected from the back patio.

Collection Arrangements and Changes

If a different person is collecting your child please email our Pre-Prep School Secretary. Please do not use the telephone for such messages except in an emergency. Children will not be given to an unauthorised person. In the event of late collection a member of staff will stay with the child whilst efforts are made to telephone parents or the emergency contact number. If you are doing a regular share of pick up then please inform the Pre-Prep School Secretary by email of your arrangements and she will inform the relevant teachers.


Please do not arrive on site more than 5 minutes before the designated pick up time and cars should be parked in the designated spaces at the school - parking on the grass verges is forbidden. We have charity spaces right outside Pre-Prep which are auctioned off so please be careful not to park here unless you are the winning family! Engines must not be left running in unattended cars. Please observe yellow lines and ‘No Parking’ signs and do not park across any crossings. Please do not leave your car parked on site for the day without prior arrangement as all outdoor space is used during the school day.

Communication between Home and School

Communication between Home & School

  • In the Pre-Prep we use two online platforms - Tapestry in EYFS and Seesaw in Key Stage 1. These are valuable tools in creating home school links by sharing photographs, updates and special news. In Twigs, the staff record an individual care diary each day, listing food nappies and naps. Across the Early Years observations are shared each week of your child in action. Seesaw is updated weekly with class or group photos to share learning and stimulate discussions at home.
  • All communication and event reminders are through our weekly Bulletin, termly printed School Calendar and via email sent using our Parent Zone system which also has an app. The app allows you to check previous messages and book Parents' Evenings. Staff are of course always available for individual consultations at mutually convenient times throughout the day. 

    Please download the instructions to activate your Parent Zone account for the first time HERE. Please note you will be unable to activate your account until your child's first day.  

  • Information Evenings are held at the beginning of the school year, when the work of your child’s year group is explained. This is an opportunity to meet the staff and other parents.
  • Parents’ Evenings are held towards the end of the autumn and spring term. Parents have a private interview of ten minutes with the class teacher and an opportunity to look through their child’s work.
  • Target reports are sent home at the end of the autumn term and full academic school reports are sent home at the end of the summer term for all classes.
  • Staff are always available for individual consultations at the beginning and end of the day but please make an appointment through our Pre-Prep School Secretary.
  • A variety of concerts and assemblies take place throughout the year where parents are invited to watch. Further information on this for your year group will be shared during the information evenings in September.

Extra-Curricular Activities 

Extra-Curricular Activities 

Musical Instruments

During the school day small group lessons for the recorder and ukulele lessons are offered in Year 2. We also offer private music lessons in violin, guitar and piano for children in Year 1 and 2.

After School Activities - Year 1 & 2 all year round plus Reception during the Summer Term

We offer a wide range of activities throughout the year after school. These vary on the time of year and details are sent out at the end of the term allowing you to book for the next term via our Booking Portal. Activities include drama through LAMDA, Stagecoach, chess, science, musical theatre, dance, martial arts, debating, computers, art and a variety of sports. There is an extra charge for After School Activities. 

You are able to book After School Activities on our Booking Portal HERE. Payment is made by credit card or childcare vouchers/ tax free childcare at the time of booking. If you are signing up for the Booking Portal for the first time please download the instructions HERE.

Wraparound Care

Wraparound Care

Please find details our wraparound care services and pricing here.

Booking Process

At the end of the school term the system moves over to the next term to allow you to book for the following term over the holidays. Bookings can be made termly or ad-hoc bookings by 12 noon the day before for Breakfast Club or by 1pm on the same day for After School Care.

Any child that is not collected within five minutes of the end of their session will be charged in full for the next session. A late charge of £10.00 will be made for any child collected after 6.30pm.

Please collect your child from the back side gate next to Nursery Acorns, ensuring they are signed out with a member of staff. If you need to contact Wraparound Care staff outside of the Pre-Prep office hours of 7.30am to 4.30pm please call their mobile on 07557 741107.

You are able to book After School Activities on our Booking Portal HERE. Payment is made by credit card or childcare vouchers/ tax free childcare at the time of booking. Charges will apply according to the sessions booked, even if your child leaves early or is unable to attend. If you are signing up for the Booking Portal for the first time please download the instructions HERE.

Holiday Camp

Holiday Camp

We offer holiday camps through our sister brand Hoe Bridge Camps. These are open to all Hoe Bridge children from Nursery Twigs to Year 8 and to children from other schools from Reception to Year 8. Hoe Bridge parents have priority when booking each season.

Camps run for 2 weeks over the October half term, 1 week in the Christmas holidays, 2 weeks in the Easter holidays and 4 weeks in the Summer holidays. We offer a range of camps including a general multi-activity camp and specialist camps including football, cricket, cooking and coding.

For more information about holiday camps, upcoming dates and to book please visit 




Any accidents in the playground are treated according to the guidelines laid out by St John Ambulance. All Pre-Prep staff hold a current are Full Paediatric First Aiders. Parents are informed at the end of the day of minor bumps with an accident slip that will be given to parents and requires signing. These records are filed in our Accident File in the School Office. In the event of a significant injury that may require further treatment you will be notified immediately. Head bumps will result in immediate notification. If this treatment is required urgently a member of staff or the School Nurse will take the child to hospital.

Illness at School

Please telephone or email our Pre-Prep School Secretary by 9.00 am if your child is going to be absent from school due to illness. Children must be fully recovered before returning to school. If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea, they must not return to school for 48 hours after the last incidence as advised by the Health Protection Agency. Please notify us of any contagious diseases to enable us to inform other parents.

Illness at Home

Please telephone or email our Pre-Prep School Secretary by 9.00am if your child is going to be absent from school due to illness. Children must be fully recovered before returning to school. If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea, they must not return to school for 48 hours after the last incidence as advised by the Health Protection Agency. Please notify us of any contagious diseases to enable us to inform other parents.


We ask parents to keep up to date with vaccinations, for further information please refer to:


If you have given your child any medicine before school, prescribed or otherwise, can you please inform the Pre-Prep School Secretary in person or by email. If medicine needs to be given during the school day please take it to the Pre-Prep school office where you will need to complete a permission slip. Medicine should not be carried by children.



Please download your Uniform Checklist below

Nursery Acorns & Twigs

Reception to Year 2

Other Information

Other Information

Change of Contact Information

If you change any of your contact information especially emergency contact details during the school year please inform our Pre-Prep School Secretary immediately by email.


We like to encourage the children to think of those who are less fortunate than they are. Each year we choose one national and one international charity to support and a proportion of all our fundraising goes to these two charities throughout the year. The children vote on which charities to support following a presentation and we hold specific charity days each term to raise money.

Complaints Procedure

Should you have any complaint to make against the School, there is a Complaints Procedure which should be followed. This Complaints Procedure is available on the website under Policies and a copy is kept in the School Office. It is available to any parent should they wish to see it or make use of it. Ofsted may be contacted directly on 08456 404045 or at


As a school we are dog friendly however dog walking is not permitted as not all children love dogs! If your dogs want to come and watch sport, their support is welcome and we ask that all dog owners keep their dogs on leads and clear up after them. There is a public footpath over the bridge where dogs may be walked but not during matches please.

Hoe Bridge Social Committee

This is a combined committee made up of parents and staff from the Prep and the Pre-Prep which organises a termly social event. All school events are very relaxed, hugely enjoyable and are strongly recommended.

Hoe Bridge Fund Raising Committee

Specific fund raising activities and events are organised by this committee which also manages any funds raised by the Parents’ Circle and Social Committee. The majority of the funds raised is divided evenly between our two chosen charities with a small remainder being retained at school to pay for additional items such as playground equipment, curtains for the hall, staging and our lovely London bus.

Mobile Phones

Children are not permitted to bring mobile phones or any electronic devices to school and parents are also asked not to use mobiles within school buildings.

Parents’ Circle

Our Parents’ Circle is made up of two representatives for each class and Chairpersons. The purpose of the Parents’ Circle is to provide a vital link between parent and school. Each year the Parents' Circle organise a variety of social events and help at key school events such as Harvest Festival, Christmas and Sports Day.  

Parental Rights to Take Photographs

Parents are permitted to take pictures and videos at school events for private use only. These pictures and/or videos must not be published in any format including print or online. Without consent of the other parents whose children may be captured on film you would be in breach of the Data Protection Act 1998.


Each Autumn Term an individual photograph is taken with an opportunity for siblings to be taken together and orders are processed in time for Christmas. Each Summer Term a class photograph is taken and every alternate year a whole school photograph is taken and both may be ordered directly with the photographer. 


All documents are available to read on our website under Policies


Parents are responsible for the safety of their children before and after school whilst on the school premises. No child is allowed on the climbing frames or other play equipment and all children should remain with an adult.


All visitors are required to report to the Pre-Prep School Office upon entering the school where they will be signed in, given a visitors badge and signed out again upon leaving. We do not expect parents to wear badges at drop off, pick up or school functions. If you need to collect a child or drop off something during the school day please report to the Pre-Prep School Office.

Tree Tops Daily Fees 2024-25

Breakfast Club Prep 7.30 am to 8.00 am/ Pre-Prep 7.30 am to 8.15 am Prep £4.00/ Pre-Prep £6.00
PM Session 1 3.20 pm to 4.15 pm £8.00
PM Session 2 4.15 pm to 5.00 pm £6.50
PM Session 3 5.00 pm to 5.30 pm £4.50
PM Session 4 5.30 pm to 6.00 pm £5.50
PM Session 5 6.00 pm to 6.30 pm £5.50
All PM Sessions 3.20 pm to 6.30 pm £30.00


Holiday Camps

We host fun holiday camps throughout the year - for more information click HERE.