Year 5 & 6

As they progress through Years 5 and 6, your child will have a stronger awareness of what is required of them – as both children and members of a community.

Shaping Tomorrow’s Citizens

Children aged 9 to 10 years

Years 5 & 6 at Hoe Bridge School

They are also more able to differentiate between work and play and have an increased ability to work independently. This is strongly supported in the classroom but also by our programme of interesting, engaging and highly relevant school trips.

The curriculum comprises English, Maths, Science, French, History, Geography, TPR (Theology, Philosophy & Religion), Art, ICT, Design & Technology, Music, Drama, outdoor learning and PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education), with all subjects taught by specialist teachers. Setting for English and Maths continues and is extended to French in Year 5 and Science in Year 6.

Acutely aware of the importance of familiarisation with technology in today’s further education and employment, we teach a range of additional STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics) subjects which are embraced by girls and boys alike. 

Achieving Together

The strong relationship and consistent communication with our families ensures effective results as well as a happy child. With our smaller class sizes and experienced teachers, we are quickly able to address any gaps in your child's education and come together to offer additional support or whatever is needed to resolve a subject issue.

It is wonderful to see, with the addition of our Senior school, many of our children will remain to continue their Hoe Bridge education with us and several will be awarded scholarships as they move into Year 7 and above. This is a testament to the hard work, commitment and potential they show in a specific area. 

Our Headmaster is in regular contact with all our local independent senior schools to monitor and discuss their constantly evolving requirements and assessment methods.

Rewards and Competitions

The Hoe Bridge system of gains established in Year 3 continues throughout Years 5 and 6, and indeed to the end of your child’s time with us. This ‘points system’ – which applies to schoolwork, attitude, courtesy and behaviour – is proven to encourage and incentivise whilst reflecting the rewards and penalties we all encounter and accept throughout life as part of wider citizenship.

Gains are collated throughout the year and count towards individual bronze, silver and gold certificates. The points tally also goes towards house totals, further fostering belonging, teamwork, better performance and positive behaviours.

Children can earn distinctions for outstanding work, and Headmaster Commendations provide further formal recognition of exceptional performance and good deeds, as do termly Star and Form prizes. All of these are celebrated in assembly.

Extending the day at Hoe Bridge

Many of our Prep families take advantage of our breakfast or after school activities or both.

Both provide excellent opportunities for your child, whether for socialising, developing engaging interests or hobbies. For parents, they ease the burden of busy schedules, heavy traffic and other circumstances which can bring unwanted pressure.

Breakfast Club operates every day from 7:30 am until commencement of registration at 8:15 am. The menu is tempting and nutritious, comprising a hot breakfast, cereal and toast, making for an excellent start to the school day.

On completion of the class day at 4:15 pm, children attend prep, where they can complete homework under the supervision and guidance of teaching staff. Prep for Year 5 finishes at 5:00 pm and Year 6 at 5:30 pm. Children can then enjoy an after school activity, of which there is a wide choice, covering many interests and hobbies. We encourage children to try new activities to maintain and broaden their interests and enjoyment. After school activities finish at 5:45 pm for Year 5 and 6:30 pm for Year 6.


Senior Prep

Senior Prep

The move to Senior Prep represents the most significant change your child will have experienced at Hoe Bridge, promising a fruitful and exciting two years.


Visit Us

Visit Us

The best way to get to know Hoe Bridge is to visit us. Our regular Open Mornings and Private Tours give you a chance to meet our pupils and staff, have a look around and ask us the questions that really matter to you and your family.