
Class numbers in each of our three Reception classes – Beech, Cedar and Chestnut – are limited to a maximum of 21 to achieve an ideal teacher/child ratio.

Nurturing Curious Minds

Children Age 4 and 5 years

Reception at Hoe Bridge School

The classes feature similar surroundings to Nursery to aid familiarity and confidence, however if your child is new to Hoe Bridge they will, of course, be assured of a warm welcome.

As is the case in Nursery, the emphasis is on a wide range of practical activities, but now with more defined objectives such as independent reading, writing and number formation. Working at a rate they are comfortable with and always supported, encouraged and inspired, your child is individually observed and their progress is tracked to make sure they are learning and performing to the best of their ability in readiness to move up to Year 1. 

Expressive Arts and Design continues with a wider range of materials, new skills are introduced into games and it is here that your child will first receive swimming lessons. Games and Music are taught by specialist teachers, and children make regular use of our dedicated Pre-Prep Library and Computing Suite.

Nursery also focuses on the Hoe Bridge Way, which defines expected day-to-day behaviours. Children are also introduced to very light homework, for which we appreciate the encouragement and support of their parents.


Progressing According to Ability

In Reception, the school day takes on slightly more formality over Nursery whilst still providing ample free choice of activities. The emphasis is still on a wide range of practical activities with your child progressing at a rate they are comfortable with, always encouraged and challenged, never pressured. Continuous, structured assessment of your child’s progress is closely monitored and tracked, with learning directed towards recognisable and measurable outcomes such as independent writing, reading and number formation.

Reception sees your child building on the other basics introduced in Nursery too. This includes introduction to a wider range of arts, design and sensory materials. Our comprehensive Reading and Phonics programme, which begins in Nursery, is a proven foundation in helping children to advance, typically, ahead of their age group in English. They also begin to learn cursive, joined-up writing.

Reception also sees more emphasis on the Hoe Bridge Way – our set of life values and system to recognise good behaviour, courtesy and hard work. Friday assemblies are a time to celebrate achievements, and at the end of term we hold a prize giving assembly to reward a wide range of achievements.

Our Early Years specialists work together to ensure that your child is fully engaged and inspired throughout every day, continuing to observe and record individual progress to ensure they are best prepared to move on to Year 1.

Reception School Timings

All children must be in by 8.55 am for the morning register. We also run a free early class which allows you to drop off from 8.20 am until 8.55 am. Children then finish at 3.20 pm in Reception and 3.30 pm in Year 1 and 2.

Specialist Teaching

Specialist Pre-Prep staff lead specialist subject areas which increase in variety and level as children progress through Pre-Prep. For example, physical activities see the addition of different movements and skills such as balance and coordination, and the start of our 'learn to swim' programme in our pool. A more advanced Music curriculum now includes the exploration of dynamics, speed and pitch and songs related to class topics as well as school events and festivals. Choir and Performing Arts is added to broaden the specialist curriculum from Nursery, followed by the addition of Prep Games in Year 2 where children have a games lessons with our Prep Sports Teaching Team in addition to Pre-Prep PE in order to help them transition into the Prep department.

 PEMusicSwimmingChoirPerforming ArtsPrep Games
Nursery Twigs       
Nursery Acorns      
Year 1  
Year 2


Other Specialist Areas

As well as having specialist teaching, children have dedicated time for other specialist subject areas led by their class teacher allowing them to explore and utilise our extensive facilities. Please see other specialist teaching areas that are offered by year group below:

 LibraryForest School ComputingAfter School Activities (Optional)French
Nursery Twigs       
Nursery Acorns    
Reception  From the Summer Term  
Year 1
Year 2


Music Instrumental Programme

We also offer optional private lessons in piano and violin from Year 1 and group lessons in ukulele and recorder from Year 2. This leads into our wider programme in Year 3 and above where we offer over 20 different instruments.

Dance Programme

We have an optional dance programme in partnership with KV Academy of Dance that covers a range of different genres as children progress through Pre-Prep. Please see the different classes offered below that occur either during or after the school day:

 Ballet (RAD)Street Dance Modern Dance (ISTD)Tap
Nursery Acorns    
Year 1 
Year 2 


Dedicated Facilities Set in 22 acres

Our facilities are unparalleled in the area. Within our estate, Pre-Prep enjoys its own purpose-built building with assembly hall, well-stocked library, computing suite, art and music rooms, as well as modern classrooms with indoor and outdoor learning areas. All classrooms have interactive whiteboards and we make extensive use of iPads. We share with the Prep department our heated open-air swimming pool, new 110-seat Performing Arts Centre and our stunning 22 acre estate which provides ample room and inspiration for play, exercise, relaxation and, of course, learning, where your child can take full advantage of the playground, sports fields and the Hideout outdoor classroom. Lunchtime is keenly anticipated not just for playtime but a choice of tempting and nutritious food and a wonderful opportunity to socialise in our family style setting where children are encouraged to try new foods and develop their best table manners.

The Child - Parent - Teacher Partnership

Your child’s successful learning journey is a triangular partnership involving the child, parent and teacher. Because the basis for this partnership is regular and meaningful communication, we encourage families to talk directly to Reception staff at drop off and pick up so that progress, achievements and any concerns can be shared informally and spontaneously. Our Head of Pre-Prep also greets families as they arrive at the start of every school day. Parent meetings in the Autumn and Spring term and school reports in the Autumn and Summer term allow for more structured feedback to parents.

Tapestry, our secure online information sharing platform, allows our Early Years staff to routinely post videos and photos of your child's learning journey.

Pre-Prep Fees

School fees include morning snacks for all children, lunch for full day children, and are billed across three terms - Autumn, Spring & Summer.

To see all year group fees please click HERE.

Early Years Free Entitlement (EYFE)

All children are eligible for Early Years Funding in the term after their 3rd birthday. Eligibility ends from the start of the term after your child’s 5th birthday. Hoe Bridge School offers both the Universal 15 hours for all children and only the Extended 30 hours for children who are full-time with us. Universal funding is only applied for three hours per day between the daily attendance times of 9.00 am to 12.00 pm and Extended funding of six hours per day is applied between 9.00 am and 3.00 pm.

Details are shown on our termly bills, but as a guide at the current EYFE funding rate (which is £4.87 per hour) please see termly fees payable in 2024/25.

To see more information on Early Years Free Entitlement please click HERE.


Year 1 & 2

Year 1 & 2

Your child will now experience another step forward in learning aimed at the increased independence and self-organisation required for their move to Prep in year 3.


Visit Us

Visit Us

The best way to get to know Hoe Bridge is to visit us. Our regular Open Mornings and Private Tours give you a chance to meet our pupils and staff, have a look around and ask us the questions that really matter to you and your family.