Children aged 7 to 9 years
Progress in all subjects is informally assessed throughout the year, with formal end of year exams being entered in May.
Year 3 sees the beginning of setting for English and Mathematics. Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning are also introduced in Year 4.
Scheduled physical activity and sports are led by qualified specialist teachers, with separate PE and games lessons for girls and boys. Children are also exposed to many additional opportunities for enrichment, including an instrumental programme and year-round curriculum related trips. Wednesday afternoons see a wide choice of termly hobbies enjoyed, which can be extended through our after-school activities programme.
Year 3 also sees the introduction of Gains and Losses, awarded for behaviour and standard of work. Distinctions are awarded for outstanding work and Headmaster Commendations for exceptional performance and good deeds. Both accolades are presented in Assembly.
Each year group in Years 3 and 4 comprises of three separate classes with a maximum size of 21. From Year 3, we introduce setting for Maths and English across four sets, and from Year 4 for French across three sets. This helps us to provide personalised teaching in terms of both content and the most suitable pace of learning for your child.
We teach English, Maths, Science, French, History, Geography, TPR (Theology, Philosophy & Religion), Art, ICT, Design & Technology, Music, Drama, outdoor learning and PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education) well beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum. In starting the 11+ preparation, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning are introduced in the curriculum in Year 4. Informal assessments are done throughout the year, with formal exams held at year end, both allowing effective monitoring of each child’s progression and a review of the best way to support them as they progress towards Year 5, where we begin to look at entry to senior school.
Physical activity and sport enjoy equal importance to academic subjects in the school week. Girls and boys have separate PE and games lessons with seasonal sports taken by specialist teachers. To further ensure an all-round education and experience, your child will be exposed to many additional exciting opportunities. These include an instrumental programme with a range of instruments to try out during timetabled music lessons, and year-round curriculum related trips. On Wednesday afternoons, a wide choice of termly hobbies is enjoyed, giving time to relax and engage in different activities. These can be extended through our after-school activities programme.
We are very fortunate in being able to offer such extensive facilities to support our curriculum, as well as extra-curricular activities. Art, Design & Technology, ICT, Science, Music, Drama and indoor exercise all enjoy specialist areas, whilst outdoors, the 22-acre estate features our unique Hideout outdoor classroom in our woodlands alongside our river and pond surrounded by our extensive sports fields for all to enjoy and derive inspiration.
Year 3 also sees the introduction of gains, awarded for behaviour and work in school. These are collated through the year as children work towards bronze, silver and gold certificates as well as counting towards their house total. Regular house competitions are as diverse as cross country, poetry and public speaking.
Our system of gains is closely related to our values and Code of Conduct, both of which our children are better equipped to understand and appreciate as they enter and move through Prep.
Termly Star and Form prizes are awarded, Distinctions for outstanding work, and Headmaster Commendations for exceptional performance and good deeds. Accolades are presented in assembly in front of our whole Prep.
Of course, more formal contact is also a part of Prep life, with regular parents evenings, mid and end-of-term grade cards and full school reports.
Toward the end of Year 4, we host an information evening for parents, outlining key dates on the journey to 11+ (held in Year 6) and how the school will support your child and family on that journey.
At Hoe Bridge Prep, we regard child-parent-teacher communication as vital to a happy and effective learning journey for both child and family.
Most parents appreciate the opportunity for an informal morning or afternoon chat with their child’s Form Tutor or our Headmaster, who can always be found outside the school at drop off and pick up. Our open-door policy to share thoughts or concerns extends throughout, from Form Tutor to Headmaster, and also our Assistant Head of Pastoral, who is always on hand to connect with children and families to provide emotional support as well as driving wellbeing initiatives throughout the school.
New-found responsibilities in this age group include managing their diary for lessons, homework and activity reminders. Diaries are also valuable for parent-teacher communication, including the proud notification of rewards.
Our children and families alike benefit from the opportunity to extend school hours beyond normal classroom hours. The Prep day starts at 8:15 am or children can join our popular Breakfast Club every day from 7:30 am.
Year 3 finish their day at 4:15 pm, taking home a small amount of weekly homework and then can join an after school activity until 5:00pm. In Year 4, their day is extended to 5:00 pm with children attending prep, completing homework with supervision and relieving a little pressure at home. Prep is from 4:15pm until 5:00pm, following which after school activities are available until 5:45 pm. We offer a wide range of optional after-school activities including sports, science, technology, chess, performing arts (including Stagecoach and LAMDA) and other interests, all providing a wonderful opportunity to adopt new interests and develop skills.