An increase in the number of specialist teachers brings with it the need for more advanced organisational skills and initiative to progress independently through the day, whilst also assuming more responsibility for their books, sports kit and other possessions. However, their Form Tutor is still very present in their lives, taking morning and afternoon form time, and in Year 3 teaching English, Maths and Humanities, monitoring academic progress and being constantly aware of their wellbeing and need for any pastoral care. Both years of Prep each comprise three separate classes with a maximum size of 21 children.
Our already rounded and robust curriculum also broadens even further, introducing more specialist academic subjects, an instrumental music programme and a wider selection of after-school activities.
Children are also likely to meet new classmates who have joined us from different schools – an opportunity to widen their circle and often, initiate new lifelong friendships.
This is also the point at which they join one of Hoe Bridge’s four houses, of which they will remain as proud members until the end of their time at the school.
In Years 7 and 8, the core curriculum is similar to that which your child will be familiar with from Prep, strengthened by development into the Common Entrance curriculum. They are now streamed according to their ability and needs, a concept they will experience at senior school. Class sizes remain restricted to 21.
Broad and robust, the curriculum comprises English, Maths, Science (now divided into Chemistry, Physics and Biology), French, Latin, History, Geography, TPR (Theology, Philosophy & Religion), Art, ICT, Design & Technology, Music and PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education). A continuing focus on the creative arts encourages appreciation, self-expression, confidence and skills development. In Drama, we place more emphasis on backstage elements such as production, sound and light and set design. Physical education and sport remain high on the agenda.
All children enjoy our day and residential trips including Bushcraft, which supports the development of vital life skills. A highlight for Year 7 children is a trip to France to gain first-hand experience of another language and culture, and many other exciting trips are available.
As in Prep, we measure success on a combination of exam results and day-to-day achievements – still continuously monitored within individual learning journeys.
Year 3 sees the beginning of setting for English and Mathematics. Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning are also introduced in Year 4.