I am delighted that Hoe Bridge is the school of choice for your child and we look forward to working in partnership with you for the best possible educational experience on offer. Our aim is to create a family community where each child is encouraged to develop their full potential whilst being happy, confident and achieving to their best of their ability.
You will find all of the day to day information that you need in this section and the answers to many of the questions that you may have. My colleagues and I always welcome the opportunity to talk to you if you have a queries, with your child’s Form Teacher being the first port of call should you require advice or assistance. We encourage a strong relationship between parents and school to best serve the progress of your child through collaboration and a high level of trust. You will receive a weekly Bulletin covering items of news and events across both the Prep and Pre-Prep Departments and our Parent Zone provides you with instant information about timetables, messages, school trips or visits to the school.
We look forward to welcoming your family to the Hoe Bridge community and for many happy years working together with your child at the forefront of our minds.
Best wishes
Chris Webster
Happiness - Confidence - Achievement
To inspire in children a passion for lifelong learning, where an exceptional education, beyond factual learning, fosters unique life skills, creativity, knowledge and wellbeing.
A dynamic school community where everyone is encouraged to achieve their true potential through a broad, challenging and diverse curriculum. We enable and foster a passion for lifelong learning, whilst embracing and valuing individuality within the school community and wider society.
To shape future citizens who have the academic, personal and social skills to make informed choices as well as being empathetic, resilient and responsible members of society fully embracing British values. A dedicated, caring and well qualified staff provide a varied curriculum, within and beyond the classroom, giving opportunities and challenging abilities to develop independent thinking young people. An engaging, broad, progressive education based on Christian principles and enriched with stimulating and varied opportunities to develop creativity, curiosity and innovation.
The Hoe Bridge Way is a set of behaviours that is embedded in school life. We aim to maintain and reinforce it at every opportunity, discussing and promoting it regularly in assembly, in class and on the sports field.
Work Hard
Look After Property
Say Sorry & Move On
Kind & Helpful
On joining Hoe Bridge School a pupil, teacher or parent becomes part of our school community. Each member of the school has a role to play within it and responsibilities towards others and their property. All members of the school community are expected to respect the Code of Conduct and it is to be followed at all times whilst anywhere on the school premises: Children are rewarded for doing so. Outside of school children should wear their school uniform with pride and, as ambassadors of the school, behave according to our Code of Conduct. We believe that everyone, child or adult, should be able to come to our school and receive or deliver an education in a way that is free from humiliation, oppression or abuse. The school does not use corporal punishment. The Headmaster has the right of the ultimate sanction of temporary or permanent exclusion.
On joining Hoe Bridge School a pupil, teacher or parent becomes part of our school community. Each member of the school has a role to play within it and responsibilities towards others and their property. All members of the school community are expected to respect the Code of Conduct and it is to be followed at all times whilst anywhere on the school premises: children are rewarded for doing so. Outside of school children should wear their school uniform with pride and, as ambassadors of the school, behave according to our Code of Conduct.
We believe that everyone, child or adult, should be able to come to our school and receive or deliver an education in a way that is free from humiliation, oppression or abuse. The school does not use corporal punishment. The Headmaster has the right of the ultimate sanction of temporary or permanent exclusion. Our Code of Conduct is discussed at the beginning of each term and in assemblies; a copy of the Code of Conduct is displayed in each classroom. Children, parents and staff can contribute to it at any time; we are always looking for ways to keep our school a happy and purposeful place for everyone.
All children should know the following:-
Basic Rules
School Diaries
All pupils are given a school diary. Children should record all preps and any learning work eg. French vocabulary, spellings etc. Staff may make any comments concerning work or behaviour if relevant. All diaries should go home every night and at the weekend should be signed by a parent and returned on Monday morning to be checked by the Form Teacher.
Follow the Hoe Bridge Way.
Daily Registration
Registration is at 8.15 am and 1.50 pm in form rooms. Children must be registered or sign the late book at the front desk if registration is missed (very important). All members of the school community are expected to respect the Code of Conduct and children are rewarded for doing so.
Excellence in Behaviour
Excellence in behaviour is celebrated by awards both individually and on a group basis. Good behaviour and manners are recognised throughout the school day. In addition each teacher will devise rules for the classroom which are explained to the class and all children are expected to abide by the rules.
Consequences of Breaking the Rules
Deviation from the Code of Conduct is not tolerated and failure to follow it may result in the following sanctions as laid out in the school Behaviour Policy. Bullying, in any form, is not tolerated and any incidents of bullying will be dealt with according to the Anti-Bullying Policy.
Major or habitual incidents are recorded in the school’s incident data base online. Discussions with parents are also recorded. The incident database is monitored on a termly basis to identify trends and the school will respond accordingly.
Headmaster | Chris Webster 01483 760018 | headmaster@hoebridgeschool.co.uk
Headmaster’s PA | Vicky Sturgess 01483 760018/65 | headspa@hoebridgeschool.co.uk
Prep Receptionist | Julie Wixted 01483 760018/65 | prep@hoebridgeschool.co.uk
Bursar | Hannah Davies 01483 760018 | bursar@hoebridgeschool.co.uk
Chairman of Governors | Ian Katté 01483 760065
7.30 am | Breakfast Club (Pre-Booking needed) |
8.15 am | Registration |
8.30 am | Assembly & Lessons |
10.35 am | Breaktime |
11.05 am | Lessons |
12.50 pm | Lunch |
2.00 pm | Registration & Lessons |
4.15 pm | Buns |
End of day for Year 3 | |
After School Activities start for Year 3 (Pre-booking needed) | |
4.30 pm | Prep Session 1 |
5.00 pm | End of day for Years 4 & 5 |
After School Activities start for Years 4 & 5 (Pre-booking needed) | |
Prep Session 2 | |
5.30 pm | End of day for Years 6, 7 & 8 |
5.45 pm | After School Activities start for Years 6, 7 & 8 (Pre-booking needed) |
Lunch and Break Time
Lunches are supervised by the Headmaster or member of the Senior Management Team. Good manners are always expected.
Our Caterers provide an attractive and well-balanced menu and there are alternative choices of food available. Children are encouraged to eat, but they are not force fed. If health or religion dictates our caterers will provide an appropriate meal; vegetarian, Halal and special diet alternatives are available daily.
During break time children play outside unless it is raining. They play on the hard surfaces, the Astro and in the Adventure Play Ground area during the two winter terms and on the fields, the Astro and in the Adventure Play Ground area during the summer term. The library is also open during the week for quiet reading. They have a drink and a home-made sweet or savoury snack or fruit at break-time and members of staff are on supervision duties. In hot, sunny weather, please ensure children have school sun hats and that a high factor sun screen has been effectively applied before arriving at school.
Children study English, Mathematics, Science, French, Latin (from Year 5 onwards), History, Geography, TPR (Theology, Philosophy & Religion), Art, Information Technology, Design & Technology, Music and Personal, Social and Health Education. All teachers are aware of the National Curriculum requirements, but education at Hoe Bridge goes far beyond these.
Forms and Form Tutors
The Form Tutor is responsible for the registration of his or her Form each morning. The Form provides a ‘home base’ with form time each day. The Form Tutor co-ordinates the pastoral care of each pupil in their Form as well as monitoring general academic progress. If you have any general questions, please liaise with the Form Tutor initially.
Each year group comprises of three separate classes. All Years are set by ability for Mathematics and English (four sets), for French in Years 4 - 6 (three sets) and Science in Year 6 (three sets). In Year 7 children are academically streamed for the majority of subjects and set for English, Maths and French.
Timetable & Curriculum Plans
Timetables will be given out to the children at the beginning of the new school year. Timetables and Curriculum Plans may also be found in the Parent Zone.
Educational Visits
From time to time, visits are arranged for the children to enhance their learning. The cost will be placed on your end of term account. Parental consent is needed for all off-site educational visits and this is done via an e-form that will be sent to parents prior to the visit. Children without parental permission will not be allowed to join the visit.
In theory, most homework (prep) should be done at school apart from Year 3. Years 4 & 5 have half an hour between 4.30pm and 5.00pm and Years 6, 7 & 8 do prep between 4.30 pm and 5.30 pm. In Year 3 the children are set daily reading and one piece of English and a maths task per week with revision of times tables. The homework reinforces what is being taught within your child’s English or maths groups and should take about thirty minutes for each subject.
Reports & Parents’ Evenings
Parents’ Evenings are scheduled as below and involve all those who teach your children. Some teachers will teach all children in a year, others teach sets. A communication will be sent prior to each evening, outlining that particular evening and booking is done via the Parent Zone. The first Parents’ Evening for Year 3 will take place in October, just before half term. This is a chance to meet your child's Form Tutor only and is aimed at discussing the settling in period.
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Year 3 | Information Evening How the School Works | End September | Parents’ Evening | January | Report | End of Term |
Parents’ Evening (Form Tutors only) | October | Grade Card | Half Term | |||
Grade Card | Half Term | Grade Card | End of Term | |||
Grade Card | End of Term |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Year 4 | Grade Card | Half Term | Grade Card | Half Term | Parents’ Evening | Post Exams |
Parents’ Evening | October | Exam Card | June | |||
Information Evening on Senior School Entry Process | June | |||||
Grade Card | End of Term | Grade Card | End of Term | Report | End of Term |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Year 5 | Grade Card | Half Term | Grade Card | Half Term | Exam Card | Post Exams |
Parents’ Evening | November | Parents’ Evening | June | |||
Information Evening on Senior School Entry Process | January | |||||
Grade Card | End of Term | Grade Card | End of Term | Report | End of Term |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Year 6 | Grade Card | Half Term | Grade Card | Half Term | Exam Card | Post Exams |
Exam Card | Post Exams | Parents' Evening | February | |||
Parents' Evening | December | Grade Card | End of Term | Report | End of Term |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Year 7 | Parents' Evening | October | Grade Card | Half Term | Exam Card | Post Exams |
Grade Card | End of Term | Parents' Evening | March | Report | End of Term |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Year 8 | Grade Card | Half Term | Exam Card (non-Scholars) | Post Exams | Results | |
Exam Card | Post Exams | Parents' Evening | February | End of Term | ||
Parents' Evening | December | Report | End of Term |
Exam Timetable
All subjects will be informally assessed throughout the year with formal exams as per the below table:
Autumn | Spring | Summer | |
Year 3 | End of Term Assessments (Maths & English) | End of Term Assessments (Maths & English) | May: End of Year Tests (Maths, English) |
Year 4 | May: School Exams | ||
Year 5 | May: School Exams | ||
Year 6 | End of November: School Exams – Maths, English, VR & Non VR (11+ practice papers) | January: External 11+ Exams Pre-Assessments | May: School Exams |
Year 7 | June: CE & Scholarship Trials | ||
Year 8 | End of November: CE & Scholarship Trials | February: CE & Scholarship mock examinations February/March: Scholarships RGS, Wellington, St George’s, Reed’s, St John’s | May: Scholarships Hampton, Charterhouse June: Common Entrance |
Art, Design & Technology, Music and Drama are all timetabled subjects and play an important part in the daily life at Hoe Bridge.
Art and Design & Technology
A wide variety of skills are taught during Art, including painting, sculpture, ceramics and printmaking alongside the story of Art and Architecture. Design & Technology focuses pupils through design briefs involving mechanical and electrical systems. Pupils also study textile and package design and research into various areas of industry, such as air transport, consumer products and telecommunications.
Drama lessons provide children with a wonderful opportunity to express and project themselves, building self confidence, teamwork and responsibility. Each year group has a Drama Presentation to parents once a year so that they can understand more about the Drama curriculum. Drama is supported by our after school activities programme which has a wide range of dance, musical theatre and drama activities on offer.
As well as general music lessons throughout the school we offer an instrumental scheme in Year 3 which provides pupils with specialist tuition in the autumn and spring terms across a wide range of instruments. All pupils are encouraged to take up a musical instrument and therefore this is an ideal opportunity for pupils and parents to choose the correct instrument.
Instrumental Tuition
12 instrumental peripatetic teachers provide individual instrumental tuition to over 175 children each week. We offer over 20 different instruments: violin, viola, cello, double bass, flute, oboe, clarinet/bass clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet, cornet, French horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba, drums, orchestral percussion, singing, piano, acoustic/electric guitar and bass guitar.
The fees for instrumental tuition at Hoe Bridge are set by the instrumental teacher and are priced at £26 per half hour lesson, starting from September 2024. Individual instrumental music lessons are taught during the school day on a strict rotation basis. Please note a child can take up more than one instrument and if so they will be fixed with only one on rotation.
If you would like your child to start instrumental tuition please contact Sarah Ward in our music department via email to musicadmin@hoebridgeschool.co.uk.
Ensembles and Performances
Pupils learning instruments or singing can join one of our 10 ensembles across choir, strings, brass, woodwind and percussion. The Performing Arts Centre provides an outstanding space for both Music and Drama. In addition to our regular concert programme below pupils can also sign up to play during Monday and Friday assemblies and ensembles are regularly invited to perform at other schools.
2 x Informal Music Concerts (Year 3 to 8)
Senior Music Concert (Year 5 to 8)
2 x Informal Music Concerts (Year 3 to 8)
Senior Music Concert (Year 5 to 8)
Junior Music Concert (Year 3 & 4)
House Music Competition (Year 3 to 8)
Music Concert (Year 3 to 8)
Theatre Production (Year 5 to 8)
PE & Games
All children are taught skills and game play with the National Curriculum as a guide. Sport lessons take place approximately three or four times a week depending on the year group.
Core sports played:
Boys | Girls | |
Autumn | Football | Netball |
Rugby | Hockey | |
Spring | Rugby | Netball |
Hockey | Hockey | |
Summer | Cricket | Cricket |
Swimming | Swimming | |
Athletics | Athletics |
Matches against other schools are played at U9 / U10 / U11 & U13 age levels. The fixture list can be found in the calendar or on the website under the Sports Fixtures tab on the website. Children are selected for teams on merit. It is the intention to include as many children as possible in matches and as many matches in each age group are arranged whenever possible. A child can be selected to play for an older team if the school believes that the child would benefit from playing at this age level.
It is expected that children selected to play in teams and weekend tournaments, honour the commitment to school. Please check fixtures list in advance for dates and consider the likelihood of your son or daughter being selected. If in doubt please contact the PE Department. Team selection will be made close to the event and and published on SOCS website.
Sports Fixtures
We have a Sports Fixtures website which can be accessed via the school website at the top navigation or by clicking HERE. The password to access team sheets is: TeamHoeBridge
Full instructions on navigating the Sports Fixtures website can be found HERE.
Other Sporting Activities
We also have competing teams for equestrian, skiing and golf who compete across the country. Please contact Reception if you are interested in learning more about any of these activities and you will be directed to the right person.
Safety in Sport
Mouth guards for protection of the teeth and jaws must be worn by all children whilst playing hockey and contact rugby. It is highly recommended for TAG or TouchRugby. Any child without a mouth guard will be sent to School Nurse and fitted with a basic mouth guard, the cost of which will be added to your end of term bill.
Games Kit
Please check the uniform list and ensure all games kit is named correctly. Games kit is taken home on Fridays for laundering and brought back on Monday morning. During times of bad weather kit might need to be laundered more regularly.
Trainers & Football Boots
Trainers should be appropriate for multi sports. Football boots are worn for football, rugby and cross-country. Any make of boot or stud configuration may be purchased - please check on a regular basis that the studs have not developed sharp edges. Should this happen it is important that the sharp edges are sanded down or the boots replaced.
Sports Equipment
All equipment required for PE & Games is provided by the School, except hockey sticks from Year 4 and above. Children may bring their own equipment if they wish, but please make sure it is clearly named.
Cricket Equipment
Pupils may wish to have their own cricket equipment but it is not compulsory. The School will provide all cricket equipment for hard ball cricket. As a guide Year 3 play soft ball cricket, Year 4 generally play soft ball cricket but may practice hard ball cricket in the nets. The ‘a’ & ‘b’ teams might also play hard ball cricket matches towards the end of the term. Year 5 will generally play hard ball cricket with some soft ball cricket for those in the lower ability teams and Years 6, 7 & 8 will play hard ball cricket. A letter will be sent out towards the end of the Spring Term outlining kit requirements for each team. Team selection is made at the start of the Summer Term.
Off Games
A note must be sent in or emailed to Reception or School Nurse excusing a child from PE or Games by 9.00 am.
Gains are awarded for good work and behaviour in any and all areas of school life with a number of interim levels of gains along the way to a Star Award:
Bronze - 75 gains in one term
Silver - 125 gains in one term
Gold - 175 gains in one term
Star - 600 gains
Bronze, Silver and Gold are certificated and awarded in assembly each week. They then repeat each term but the total gains are cumulative until the 600 threshold is reached and a Star Prize is awarded with a Book Token at Prize Giving. Gains are collected in the homework diary in the form of a yellow dot sticker and collected at the end of every week. Comments will be written in pupil diaries to explain why the gain has been given.
Blue Dots
Blue Dots are awarded to pupils who have been kind, generous and caring. A Blue Dot is worth three gains and are recorded in the pupil diary. When a pupil accumulates a number of Blue Dots in a term, the following process applies:
Five Blue Dots - Talk with Form Teacher and Assistant Head Pastoral informed
Ten Blue Dots - Talk with Assistant Head Pastoral and parents informed
Fifteen Blue Dots - Talk to The Headmaster
Green Dot
This is awarded for children who are eco minded and take steps and perform actions that help save our planet. The focus, as always, is reduce, reuse, recycle.
Distinctions are awarded for outstanding and truly exceptional pieces of work; head and shoulders above any previously completed or comparable with other pupils and attract five gains. They are at the discretion of each individual teacher and are signed off by that teacher and countersigned by the Head of Department. These awards will be announced and awarded in assembly.
Headmaster Commendations
Headmaster Commendations are awarded for exceptional performance and good deeds. These can be in addition to the Distinctions awarded for exceptional work. Headmaster Commendations will be awarded in Assembly. These attract ten gains.
Losses take the form of a red dot sticker and these are given for poor behaviour and persistently poor work. A red dot has a value of one loss. The weekly limit for all year groups is five losses. A black dot is issued for major offences such as being rude to staff or disrupting a lesson and has a value of three losses.
Weekly Totals | Sanctions | Administered By |
Five Losses | Discussion with Form Teacher and Assistant Head Pastoral informed. | Form Teacher & Diary |
Ten Losses | Referral to Assistant Head Pastoral and parents informed. Deputy Headmaster informed. | Assistant Head Pastoral |
Fifteen Losses | Referral to Deputy Headmaster or Headmaster. | Deputy Headmaster |
Any subsequent instances will involve a discussion with parents and The Headmaster. |
One Off Serious Incident of Behaviour | Referral to The Headmaster who will consider each situation individually with the most serious offences discussed with the Chairman of Governors. Sanctions could include detentions, internal or external temporary exclusion or ultimately permanent exclusion. |
Please telephone or email our Prep School Receptionist (01483 760018/65 or prep@hoebridgeschool.co.uk) by 8.30 am if your child is going to be absent from school. If children are ill, they must be fully recovered before returning to school. If your child has had sickness or diarrhoea, they must not return to school for 48 hours after the last incidence as advised by the Health Protection Agency. Please notify us of any contagious diseases to enable us to inform other parents.
Holidays should be arranged in accordance with the school calendar. Please notify us in writing of exceptional circumstances requiring leave of absence as all such absences must be authorised by the Headmaster in the school’s annual return to the DFE. Absences are only authorised for family weddings or funerals, not for additional holidays.
Morning Drop Off
Children can be dropped from 7.50 am and must be in form by 8.15 am. Year 3 to 5 drop their children to the Portico (outside the Sports Hall) by driving round the roundabout and Year 6 to 8 turn right into the main car park and drop by the Sports notice board. Parents may also park in the car park and bring their children to the drop off areas. Please do not park or get out of your cars in front of the Portico or the Sports notice board, it is a drop off and pick up point only. Between 7.50 am and 8.00am chidlren will be supervised in the sports hall, at 8.00 am - 8.15 am children will be supervised in their form rooms by Year 8 pupils and duty members of staff. Please do not drop children at school before 7.50 am unless they are coming in for breakfast.
Afternoon Collection
Children are picked up from the Portico and it is very important that it’s free flowing. Once children have been collected from school, parents are responsible for their safety and good manners whilst on the school premises. Children must not go into the school car park without an adult or play on the playing fields after school. The meadow adjacent to the Pre-Prep is available for use by families waiting to pick up older siblings.
Collection Arrangements and Changes
If a different person is collecting your child please either telephone or email Reception. Children will not be given to an unauthorised person. In the event of late collection a member of staff will stay with the child whilst efforts are made to telephone parents or the emergency contact number. If you are doing a regular share of pick up then please inform Reception by email of your arrangements and they will inform the relevant teachers.
Please do not arrive on site more than 15 minutes before the designated pick up time and cars should be parked in the designated spaces at the school - parking on the grass verges is forbidden. Double parking is by mutual agreement only and engines must not be left running in unattended cars. Please observe yellow lines and ‘No Parking’ signs and do not park across any crossings. Please do not leave your car parked on site during the day without prior agreement with the Headmaster.
Pick-up times for Monday - Thursday are as follows:
Year 3: 4.15 pm
Years 4 & 5: 5.00 pm
Years 6, 7 & 8: 5.30 pm
Pick-up times for Friday are as follows:
Year 3: 4.10 pm
Years 4 & 5: 4.15 pm
Years 6, 7 & 8: 4.30 pm
Those staying for Prep on a Friday are picked up at normal time
All communication and event reminders are through our weekly Bulletin, termly printed School Calendar and via email sent using our Parent Zone system which also has an app. The app allows you to check previous messages and book Parents' Evenings. Staff are of course always available for individual consultations at mutually convenient times throughout the day.
Please download the instructions to activate your Parent Zone account for the first time HERE. Please note you will be unable to activate your account until your child's first day.
Hobbies take place on Wednesday afternoons for Year 3 and 4, offering a mixture of activities which are part of the school timetable.
After School Activities
We offer a wide range of activities throughout the year after school. These vary on the time of year and details are sent out at the end of the term allowing you to book for the next term via our Booking Portal. Activities include drama through LAMDA, Stagecoach, chess, science, musical theatre, dance, martial arts, debating, computers, art and a variety of sports. There is an extra charge for After School Activities.
You are able to book After School Activities on our Booking Portal HERE. Payment is made by credit card or childcare vouchers/ tax free childcare at the time of booking. If you are signing up for the Booking Portal for the first time please download the instructions HERE.
Please find details our wraparound care services and pricing here.
Booking Process
At the end of the school term the system moves over to the next term to allow you to book for the following term over the holidays. Bookings can be made termly or ad-hoc bookings by 12 noon the day before for Breakfast Club or by 1pm on the same day for After School Care.
Any child that is not collected within five minutes of the end of their session will be charged in full for the next session. A late charge of £10.00 will be made for any child collected after 6.30pm.
You are able to book After School Activities on our Booking Portal HERE. Payment is made by credit card or childcare vouchers/ tax free childcare at the time of booking. Charges will apply according to the sessions booked, even if your child leaves early or is unable to attend. If you are signing up for the Booking Portal for the first time please download the instructions HERE.
We offer holiday camps through our sister brand Hoe Bridge Camps. These are open to all Hoe Bridge children from Nursery Twigs to Year 8 and to children from other schools from Reception to Year 8. Hoe Bridge parents have priority in booking each season.
Camps run for 2 weeks over the October half term, 1 week in the Christmas holidays, 2 weeks in the Easter holidays and 4 weeks in the Summer holidays. We off a range of camps including a general multi-activity camp and specialist camps including football, cricket, cooking and coding.
For more information on holiday camps, upcoming dates and to book please visit www.hoebridgecamps.co.uk
Accidents & Illness
Accidents, which occur on School premises are treated by the duty School Nurse and registered on our school database. In the event of an accident, we endeavour to contact parents or guardians as soon as possible. If the accident requires further treatment, the School Nurse or a member of staff will always accompany your child to hospital. When a child becomes unwell and it is obvious that a child needs to go home, parents will be contacted. If this is not possible, we will care for your child and send a letter home at the end of the day. The Pupil Medical Information Form (completed during the admissions process) gives us permission to administer proprietary medication, if necessary and the information on the medical form will be used in the event of your child being taken to hospital. Please inform us of any medical changes as soon as they occur. Please also notify us if your child has contracted, or has been in contact with anyone suffering from a contagious disease.
The School Nurse will only give out prescribed medicines if full information is provided and a Pupil Medication Request Form completed. Please request a form from the School Nurse if required.
Bags & Stationery
There is no official Hoe Bridge school bag so children can use satchels or backpacks. Please ensure that your son or daughter has their own handwriting pen, a pencil, a rubber, a ruler, a glue stick and a pencil sharpener in a named pencil case. They will need these for all lessons.
Change of Address or Contact
If you change any of your contact information especially emergency contact details during the school year please inform our Prep School Secretary immediately by email.
We like to encourage the children to think of those who are less fortunate than they are. Each year we choose one national and one international charity to support and a proportion of all our fundraising goes to these two charities throughout the year. The children vote on which charities to support following a presentation and we hold specific charity days each term to raise money.
Complaints Procedure
Should you have any complaint to make against the School, there is a Complaints Procedure which should be followed. This Complaints Procedure is available on the website under Policies and a copy is kept in the School Office. It is available to any parent should they wish to see it or make use of it. Ofsted may be contacted directly on 08456 404045 or at enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk
As a school we are dog friendly however dog walking is not permitted as not all children love dogs! If your dogs want to come and watch sport, their support is welcome and we ask that all dog owners keep their dogs on leads and clear up after them. There is a public footpath over the bridge where dogs may be walked but not during matches please.
Hoe Bridge Social Committee
This is a combined committee made up of parents and staff from the Prep and the Pre-Prep which organises a termly social event. All school events are very relaxed, hugely enjoyable and are strongly recommended.
Mobile Phones
Children are not permitted to bring mobile phones or any electronic devices to school and parents are also asked not to use mobiles in and around school buildings.
Parental Rights to Take Photographs
Parents are permitted to take photographs and videos at school events for private use only. These photographs and/or videos must not be published in any format including print or online. Without consent of the other parents whose children may be captured on film you would be in breach of the Data Protection Act 1998.
Each Autumn Term an individual photograph is taken with an opportunity for siblings to be taken together and orders are processed in time for Christmas. Sports team photographs for Year 6 and above take place each term, a whole school photo is taken bi-annually with class photos being taken in the other year.
All documents are available to read on our website under Policies.
Parents are responsible for the safety of their children before and after school whilst on the school premises. No child is allowed on the climbing frames or other play equipment and all children should remain with an adult.
During the school day, all visitors are required to report to the Prep Reception before entering the School where they will be signed in, given a visitors badge and signed out again upon leaving. We will not expect parents to wear badges at drop off, pick up, match tea or school functions. It is accepted that you may be in the school buildings at drop off either to help with equipment or to talk to staff. However, after 8.30am please report to Reception, to sign in and sign out.
We discourage children from bringing any toys or valuables to school. Mobile phones or any electronic devices are not permitted in school. Watches and all stationery should be clearly marked. The School’s Insurance Brokers can arrange individual personal effects insurance and details may be obtained from the Bursar.
The best way to get to know Hoe Bridge is to visit us. Our regular Open Mornings and Private Tours give you a chance to meet our pupils and staff, have a look around and ask us the questions that really matter to you and your family.