Prep Landing

Parents with children joining Prep from our Pre-Prep will already be familiar with the many benefits of the Hoe Bridge education and our ethos of Happiness, Confidence and Achievement.

We look forward to showing you why Hoe Bridge Prep is an excellent choice.


It’s Our Privilege to Bring Out the Best in Your Child

Welcome to Hoe Bridge Prep

For the last 35 years, Hoe Bridge Prep has proudly provided families in and around the Woking area with the best preparation for the next phase in their child’s educational journey.

For those joining from another Pre-Prep school, we are confident that they will experience the very best preparation for senior school. At Hoe Bridge Prep, academic excellence, physical development, happiness and wellbeing and learning robust life skills go hand-in-hand.

Academically, we constantly challenge children in being the best they can within their abilities, always observing, noting and acknowledging individual strengths, aspirations and opportunities for help and supporting them to work hard, remain focused and maintain a passion for learning.

Whether in the classroom, the playground, the dining room, on field trips or representing the school at sports, we nurture the qualities of respect, independence, confidence, courtesy, fairness, inclusiveness, charity and responsibility, with our children leaving Prep as smart, responsible and respectful members of society.


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YEARS 3 & 4

Quenching a thirst for knowledge

In Years 3 and 4, the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, French, History, Geography, TPR (Theology, Philosophy & Religion), Art, ICT, Design & Technology, Music and PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education) are all taught well beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum.




YEARS 5 & 6

Shaping Tomorrow’s Citizens

As they progress through Years 5 and 6, your child will have a stronger awareness of what is required of them – as both students and members of a community.





Unleashing creativity

Creative arts are essential to a child’s creativity, self-expression, confidence and understanding. By making them absorbing and challenging, we ensure that they fully engage our children, often spawning a lifelong interest.




Visit Us

Visit Us

The best way to get to know Hoe Bridge is to visit us. Our regular Open Mornings and Private Tours give you a chance to meet our pupils and staff, have a look around and ask us the questions that really matter to you and your family.


Contact Admissions

Contact Admissions

Hoe Bridge School is Woking's Leading Independent Through School. This allows girls and boys an outstanding education on one site from Nursery to Year 11.