We challenge children to become the very best they can, and they invariably rise to the occasion. Our highly qualified and motivated teaching staff collaborate to achieve the best outcomes for the individual child whilst following the robust curriculum, enriched by their own passion and enthusiasm. They teach our children to be self-learners (under the watchful guidance and knowledge of their teachers), which amply equips them to perform exceptionally well in assessments that become a natural part of their education. Children discover for themselves that achieving in one subject or other area of school life can be repeated in others with equal application and passion.
Respect, independence, confidence, courtesy, fairness, inclusiveness, charity and responsibility are fostered in the classroom, on the playing fields, over lunch and on our wonderful school trips. Individual, team and house achievements are celebrated, whichever child, group or team has succeeded on the day. House competitions, the democratic School Council, presenting in school assembly and our chosen local and international charities are examples of how we put these principles into practice.
When moving into Year 3 and Prep life, children are welcomed into a school house. Wearing their house badges with pride on their blazers, children have the chance to work with their friends and staff, interacting with others and developing new and stronger relationships with different year groups. The House System forms an essential part of day to day life in the school including the collection of gains (gains are the way in which Hoe Bridge recognises achievement in all aspect of school life) and regular inter-House competitions and activities - house lunches, regular sports competitions, charity events, music competitions and debating competition for seniors. Friendly competition is encouraged!
Important roles of Captain and Deputy for each house are voted on yearly. These positions lead their house, are on hand to look after younger members of the house as well as helping to lead house meetings.
At Hoe Bridge our main intakes are in September at the start of the academic year at our key entry points above. However, as long as there is a space available, children can join us in other year groups and throughout the school year.
At Hoe Bridge our main intakes are in September at the start of the academic year at our key entry points above. However, as long as there is a space available, children can join us in other year groups and throughout the school year.